Good Design Awards 2023, Illinois | Design Competition
The Good Design Awards is a global indicator of a company’s unwavering dedication to innovation and exceptional design execution. All materials and items are incorporated into the Museum’s Permanent Design Collection and exhibited in the United States and abroad. The Good Design Awards focuses on high-quality design that goes beyond common consumer items and graphics in terms of form, function, and aesthetics. The Product and Graphic Design Award/Competition at the Chicago Athenaeum promote the ideas of a design process. These ideas encompass product excellence and endurance, as well as a strong public identity.
The Good Design Awards – Format
Product Design
Anything produced and/or designed from January 2022 to the present is eligible including Electronics, Protective Equipment, Bionics/Robotics, Energy Systems, Residential and Office Furniture, Housewares, Tabletop, Textiles, Floor covering, Building Materials, Lighting, Appliances, Transportation, Consumer and Household Products, Business and Industrial Equipment, Hardware, Tools, Machinery, Children’s Products, Personal Effects, Sports and Recreation, Telecommunications, Computer Equipment, Medical Products, Kitchen and Bath, Environmental Design, Public Environments, Materials.
Graphic Design
Any graphic produced and/or designed from January 2022 to the present is eligible including Books, Magazines, Websites, Advertisements, Catalogues, Corporate Identity Programs, Annual Reports, Handbooks, Posters, Signage, Labels, Packaging, Products, Communication, Typography, Atmosphere, Sales Promotion, and Digital and Media Interfaces. All submitted graphics must have been produced by a client or scheduled for production.
All entries to this Product and Graphic Design Award/Competition must be postmarked no later than June 1, 2023, by 5:00 PM Central Standard Time.
- Late submissions add $100.00 USD per entry.
- You can apply online or by postal mail.
In this year’s edition, selected products and graphics for GOOD DESIGN® are announced to the international press in December. The Awarded products and graphics are accessioned into the Museum’s Permanent Design Collection.
See the detailed criteria and entry fee!
Reasons to participate in the Good Design Awards
By submitting your work and obtaining a Good Design Award, you are demonstrating your design excellence. You are also joining a fantastic community of professional designers, companies, and talented people from all over the world. Good Design-awarded products can easily get a competitive advantage in the market.
So, become a member of the global design community! Make the most of your involvement in the Good Design Awards by networking with well-known individuals and brands.